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【Environmental Education】Green University Workshop for the 1st Semester of the 112th Academic Year - DIY Activity on Environmental Sustainable Circular Economy

publish date : 2023-11-16

In alignment with the implementation of the Higher Education Deep Plowing Project for the development of a sustainable university campus, and coinciding with the 60th-anniversary celebration, our university organized the Green University Workshop for the 1st Semester of the 112th Academic Year today. The event aims to enhance the concept of sustainable development among faculty, students, and the community.

The workshop featured a lecture on environmental sustainable circular economy by Mr. Chen Wei-Cheng, the founder of Wood Vinegar Guru and also an outstanding alumnus honored in 2022 (60th anniversary). The lecture was open to all faculty, students, and residents of the Guizi community in Taishan District. Additionally, there was a hands-on workshop on charcoal pot planting, promoting the idea of sustainable development within both the school and the community.

This activity aligns with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities and SDGs 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production, contributing to the creation of a low-carbon campus.